05-03-2025 - 09-03-2025 / Timezone: UTC-08:00
The Vegas Shoot 2025
5 Mar 2025, Wednesday
07:00-14:00Nevada State NASP Championship - Paris Ballroom
08:00-13:00USA Archery Indoor National Finals - Horseshoe Event Center
09:00-18:00Vendor Tradeshow - Horseshoe Grand Ballroom & Event Center
09:00-19:00Check-In & Late Registration - Horseshoe
09:00-19:00Official Practice - Horseshoe - Offered only for Championship divisions. Offered as space allows
09:00-19:30Bow Storage - Horseshoe Palace 3 - Offered only for Championship divisions
Yankton Thrive/Visit Yankton Give Aways
09:00-18:00Yankton Swag Give Aways!
13:00-19:00Check-In - Flights Divisions - Paris
13:00-23:00Paid Practice & Bow Storage - Paris Champagne & Versailles
T.R.U. Ball® / AXCEL® Archery Perfect 30 Scratcher Giveaway! Booth #1309
15:00-16:00Join us at Booth #1309 in the Horseshoe Event Center for the return of our scratch tickets that are Back and Better Than Ever. The Perfect 30 Scratcher gives you 120 chances to WIN BIG with 30 Giveaways on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!
17:00-21:00S3DA Vegas National Championship - Paris Ballroom
RamRods Archery Giveaway! Booth #1001
17:00-17:30RamRods Archery Giveaway!
6 Mar 2025, Thursday
05:00-14:00VIP Practice - Championship divisions - Horseshoe Normandy & Provence
05:00-19:30Bow Storage - Championship and Junior Divisions - Horseshoe Palace 3
06:00-14:00Check-In - Championship Divisions - Horseshoe
07:00-12:00S3DA Vegas National Championship - Paris Ballroom
08:00-17:00USA Archery Nevada State and JOAD Indoor Championships - Paris Champagne & Versailles
08:00-18:00Check-In & Late Registration - Horseshoe
08:00-18:00Check-In - Flights Divisions - Paris
08:30-19:30Bow Storage - Flights Divisions - Paris Ballroom
09:00-18:00Vendor Tradeshow - Horseshoe Grand Ballroom & Event Center
09:00-19:00Official Practice - Paris Ballroom - Offered only for Flights divisions. Offered as space allows
09:00-24:00Bow Storage - Paris Champagne & Versailles & Ballroom
Easton Foundations Treat Time! Booth #1201
13:00-17:00Easton Foundations Treat Time!
14:00Championship 300 Archers Report to Horseshoe Event Center - Eligible Archers Only
Championship $10K-A-Day Shoot Off
14:30All eligible Championship 300 shooters will face off in a winner-take-all $10,000 shoot off! Horseshoe Event Center
14:30-19:00Official Practice - Horseshoe - Offered only for Junior divisions. Offered as space allows
T.R.U. Ball® / AXCEL® Archery Perfect 30 Scratcher Giveaway! Booth #1309
15:00-16:00Join us at Booth #1309 in the Horseshoe Event Center for the return of our scratch tickets that are Back and Better Than Ever. The Perfect 30 Scratcher gives you 120 chances to WIN BIG with 30 Giveaways on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!
RamRods Archery Giveaway! Booth #1001
17:00-17:30RamRods Archery Giveaway!
19:00-24:00Paid Practice - Paris Champagne & Versailles
7 Mar 2025, Friday
03:00-24:00Paid Practice & Bow Storage - Paris Champagne & Versailles
05:00-17:00VIP & Paid Practice - Horseshoe Normandy & Provence
05:00-19:30Bow Storage - Horseshoe Palace 3 and Paris Ballroom
06:00-19:30Late Registrations, Check-In & Help Desk - Horseshoe & Paris
09:00-18:00Vendor Tradeshow - Horseshoe Grand Ballroom & Event Center
Easton Foundations Treat Time! Booth #1201
09:00-18:00Easton Foundations Treat Time! (while supplies last)
T.R.U. Ball® / AXCEL® Archery Perfect 30 Scratcher Giveaway! Booth #1309
15:00-16:00Join us at Booth #1309 in the Horseshoe Event Center for the return of our scratch tickets that are Back and Better Than Ever. The Perfect 30 Scratcher gives you 120 chances to WIN BIG with 30 Giveaways on Friday, and Saturday!
RamRods Archery Giveaway! Booth #1001
17:00-17:30RamRods Archery Giveaway!
Championship $10K-A-Day Shoot Off
19:00All eligible Championship 300 shooters will face off in a winner-take-all $10,000 shoot off! Horseshoe Event Center
19:30-20:30Break the Barriers ProAm - Private Event, Open to Spectators - Paris Ballroom
8 Mar 2025, Saturday
03:00-24:00Paid Practice & Bow Storage - Paris Champagne & Versailles
05:00-17:00VIP & Paid Practice - Horseshoe Normandy & Provence
05:00-19:30Bow Storage - Horseshoe Palace 3 and Paris Ballroom
06:30-19:30Help Desk - Horseshoe & Paris
09:00-18:00Vendor Tradeshow - Horseshoe Grand Ballroom & Event Center
Lucky Dog Shoot Off
14:00Lucky Dog Shoot Off - Horseshoe Event Center
T.R.U. Ball® / AXCEL® Archery Perfect 30 Scratcher Giveaway! Booth #1309
15:00-16:00Join us at Booth #1309 in the Horseshoe Event Center for the return of our scratch tickets that are Back and Better Than Ever. The Perfect 30 Scratcher gives you 120 chances to WIN BIG with 30 Giveaways on Saturday!
Easton Foundations Happy Hour! Booth #1201
16:00-18:00Easton Foundations Happy Hour
RamRods Archery Giveaway! Booth #1001
17:00-17:30RamRods Archery Giveaway!
19:30-22:00Next Gen Archers: Junior/Collegiate Awards & Celebration - Paris Ballroom
20:30-21:30Next Gen Archers: Meet The Pros (Archers 17 and under) - Paris Ballroom
9 Mar 2025, Sunday
03:00-12:00Paid Practice & Bow Storage - Paris Champagne & Versailles
05:00-14:30Bow Storage - Horseshoe Palace 3
05:00-12:00VIP & Paid Practice - Horseshoe Normandy & Provence
Indoor World Series Final: Elimination and Bronze Matches - Horseshoe Event Center
06:00-09:00Elimination and Bronze Matches - Horseshoe Event Center
06:30-14:30Help Desk - Horseshoe & Paris
Qualification Rounds
Sunday 7:00AM
07:00-09:3030 arrows scoring - Horseshoe and Paris
Sunday 7:00AM
View Individual Results
View Team Results
09:00-12:00Vendor Tradeshow - Horseshoe Grand Ballroom & Event Center
Sunday 9:30AM
09:30-12:0030 arrows scoring - Horseshoe and Paris
Sunday 9:30AM
View Individual Results
View Team Results
12:00Championship & IWS Familiarization / Practice - Planet Hollywood - PH Live Theater
Sunday 12:00PM
12:00-14:3030 arrows scoring - Horseshoe and Paris
Sunday 12:00PM
View Individual Results
View Team Results
Championship Shoot Offs
13:00-14:00Championship Early Shoot-offs (Based on Saturday Results) - Planet Hollywood - PH Live Theater
14:00-15:00Championship First Place Shoot-offs - Planet Hollywood - PH Live Theater
Indoor World Series Gold Medal Matches & Award Ceremony
16:00-17:00Planet Hollywood - PH Live Theater
17:00-17:10Indoor World Series Award Ceremony
17:10-17:30Entertainment Break/Replay of Championship Female Shoot Off
Championship Open Shoot Off & Championship Award Ceremony
17:30-18:30Planet Hollywood - PH Live Theater
18:30-19:00Championship Award Ceremony
Individual EventsQualification RoundBracketsRankings
Championship Compound Open  
Championship Compound Female  
Championship Compound Young Adult  
Championship Compound Senior  
Championship Compound Senior Female  
Championship Recurve Male  
Championship Recurve Female  
Championship Recurve Young Adult  
Championship Barebow Recurve Open  
Compound Young Adult Male  
Compound Young Adult Female  
Compound Youth Male  
Compound Youth Female  
Compound Cub Male  
Compound Cub Female  
Compound Flights  
Compound Barebow Flights  
Recurve Young Adult Male  
Recurve Young Adult Female  
Recurve Youth Male  
Recurve Youth Female  
Recurve Cub Male  
Recurve Cub Female  
Recurve Flights  
Bowhunter Young Adult Male  
Bowhunter Young Adult Female  
Bowhunter Youth Male  
Bowhunter Youth Female  
Bowhunter Cub Male  
Bowhunter Cub Female  
Bowhunter Flights  
Recurve Barebow Young Adult Male  
Recurve Barebow Young Adult Female  
Recurve Barebow Youth Male  
Recurve Barebow Youth Female  
Recurve Barebow Cub Male  
Recurve Barebow Cub Female  
Recurve Barebow Flights  
Recurve Special Needs  
Championship $10K-A-Day Shoot Off  
Recurve Men - IWS  
Recurve Women - IWS  
Compound Men - IWS  
Compound Women - IWS  
Collegiate Compound Male  
Collegiate Compound Female  
Collegiate Recurve Male  
Collegiate Recurve Female  
Collegiate Recurve Barebow Male  
Collegiate Recurve Barebow Female  
Collegiate Bowhunter Male  
Collegiate Bowhunter Female  
Recurve U21 Men - IWS  
Recurve U21 Women - IWS  
Compound U21 Men - IWS  
Compound U21 Women - IWS  
Team EventsQualification RoundBracketsRankings
Other Informations
ParticipantsBy target
By country/club
By name
By Event
StatisticsBy country/club
By Event
List of Seminars